Registration description

According to ESPN, the Colombian soccer league has the lowest goal average in South America. A sad fact that takes away the joy of the fans. For this reason, we decided to use a traditional stadium medium to intervene in the experience without changing the game.

We created goal-shaped mats and placed them on the sides of the goal posts, so that every time a player misses a goal, the fans score a beer discount.

Colombians learned about the promotion through a 360 media ecosystem that reacted in real time to match situations, allowing us to connect with fans on TV broadcasts, radio transmissions, social networks, soccer score apps and more.

Enrolling company: David Bogotá

Product: Cerveza Aguila

Advertiser: AB InBev

Prize: Grand Prix

Category: Entertainment: Music, Sports & Gaming,


Pancho Cassis, Global CCO
Juan Pablo García, Managing Director
Carlos Camacho, CCO
Sebastián Srárez Gnecco, Copywriter
David Beltrán Oicata, Art Director
Javier Caceres, Art Director
Luis Fernando Luque, Aart Director
Juan Rivadeneira, Motion Graphic 
Catalina Cordoba, Account Director
Krizia Brhul, Account Manager